This commercial is taking aim at those in corporate America who throw around the term ‘rock star’ a little too loosely. Ozzy Osbourne, Paul Stanley, Joan Jett, Billy Idol, and Gary Clark Jr. take offense to the casual use of their professional designation by office workers.
Read MoreThe vast majority of products and services in B2B address a need that is already addressed. The customer is spending on a solution today, their current ‘habit.’ And the job of a salesperson is to change this habit. It requires the proverbial ‘better mousetrap’ or at least the appearance of a better mousetrap.
Read MoreBut there are no shortcuts in sales. What produces success in sales is: Working hard and smart. Following a process. Using data. Being persistent. Win fast, lose faster. Multiple channels. A lot of blocking and tackling.
Read More“How is DEI addressed in your company?” That was the question I was asked by the leadership team of a DEI Consulting Firm when they were interviewing us for a possible engagement. I fumbled…
Read MoreSales productivity is typically measured in sales revenue per salesperson, individually and as an average over a team. This is a straightforward approach that can be further enhanced by including factors like e.g. hours worked, profitability, percent of target, or lead conversation.
Read MoreBuilding and running sales processes and teams without experience is an expensive trial-and-error scenario! Can it be done? Sure, it has been done this way many times. Should it be done? In my opinion, no. Because…
Read MoreSales trap: Assume you know what they want. Problem: If you assume that you know what they want or where they are in the sales cycle, then you start asking questions and giving information that may not fit with where they are at.
Read MoreCleaning up data is expensive in both labor hours and new software configuration, data loading, as well as updating past accounts by the salespeople. The time required and the cost were a function of how many months of historical data is desired and meaningful towards future success.
Read More"Just tell me the price." "How much does it cost?" "All I want is your best price." "Can you just give me the price?" "How much is it?" "All I am looking for is a price." "What is your best price?" "How much?"
Read MoreWe all have the ability to interpret the same situation differently. What looks like a smart risk to one person may be a dumb one to another. The Smart Risk Equation is simply a framework you can plug your own variables into that will help you draw a picture of the risks you want to take in your life.
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