Posts tagged sales leader
Five Tips for Working with a Fractional Sales Leader: What to Expect From Me

As an experienced fractional sales leader, I understand that startups need swift, effective strategies to accelerate sales growth without a full-time commitment.

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The Top 9 Traits That Make a Great Sales Leader

Greatness is a quality that comes from within us; it is the result of learning and practice; it expresses skill, achievement, or power, and it can be recognized by those around us.

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What is "Senior Sales Leadership" for a Startup?

When it comes to hiring a senior sales leader, there are two main types of candidates to consider: those with big company experience and those with entrepreneurial experience. Each has its pros and cons, and the decision criteria for choosing the right candidate for your business will depend on several factors. 

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The Golden Rules of Sales Do Exist

Now, why are there so many businesses that have a CFO, CTO, and COO, three internally focused functions, reporting to the CEO, but not a Chief Sales, Chief Commercial, or Chief Revenue Officer?

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Why Are Sales Leaders Not Valued

It is the sales team that is responsible for every dollar of revenue, all the growth the business aims for, and in many cases relies on to survive. With that in mind, the sales leader should be sitting next to the CEO, Founder, or Owner, and be the second most important person in the organization.

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