Their future work relies upon referrals and a successful track record. Interim and Fractional Executives are paid on the understanding of goals and objectives being performed and delivered, and not merely based on attendance.
Read MoreThe Fractional Executive does not come with any of the add-ons (paid days off, benefits, recruiting fee, productivity losses), and their engagement is also right-sized to the business needs in terms of talent and time, and they are immediately available.
Read MoreWho declares a random Friday a National Day for a certain grape varietal? And who declares all the other days, weeks, and months that we hear about?
Read MoreAfter 30 years in sales, revenue, or growth, most executives have done a lot of different things; in fact, many LinkedIn profiles look alike. Most everyone has worked at a few nameplate accounts, has delivered substantial growth, has built and transformed, hired and coached, and exited successfully. But now it is time to identify your superpower!
Read MoreA gifted founder CEO, often with a vague-at-best exit strategy, who’s both the lead technician and the company’s best/only salesperson. And a resistance to standardization, usually attributed to the bespoke, variable, heuristic, or technical nature of the work itself.
Read MoreI get asked quite often about the state of the Fractional Industry and what I am seeing on the supply and demand side. My answer runs the risk of being self-serving, and at the same time, as an industry, I feel we need to tell the story. If we don’t, who will?
Read MoreThe simple answer is that the guarantee is inherent and built into our model. Our placements are neither retained nor made on a contingency basis. There is no upfront investment of up to $70k into recruiting before the executive even has their first day.
Read MoreStaffing up and growing an executive team in large increments is outdated. And in other areas of our lives, we have already embraced the alternative. The idea of taking small steps is built into the formula for success in personal development, mentoring, building wealth, or the Kaizen concept.
Read MoreBy embracing evangelist-led growth. This strategy develops and leverages the enthusiasm and advocacy of a company's most passionate users to eventually drive new customer acquisition. These "evangelists" are customers who are highly satisfied with a company's product or service and are willing to recommend it to others.
Read More“How is DEI addressed in your company?” That was the question I was asked by the leadership team of a DEI Consulting Firm when they were interviewing us for a possible engagement. I fumbled…
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