I realized that if I treated my internal customers with the same care as my external customers, just like I got more money from my clients, I would get more help from others in the building.
Read MoreNone of these phrases are all that complicated. In fact, most of the phrases and the words that make them up are pretty small. And if you really need a reason to use them, consider that what goes around will come around. And negativity has never closed a sale.
Read MoreBacking it with evidence is very important. Data from the MIT Sloan School of Management determined that companies that utilized data-driven decision-making saw a 6% increase in productivity compared to those organizations that did not.
Read MoreToo many companies and too many executives like to describe themselves as Thought Leaders. They want to be recognized as an authority in their field, as the one with the original thinking that others follow.
Read MoreEveryone has to deliver bad news sometimes. Own it, deliver it, and move on. But only be a bearer of bad news when it is yours. Don't get caught in a trap being the messenger for bad news that really ought to be delivered by someone else. And on the flip side, do not engage messengers yourself.
Read MoreBody language is a mysterious, unspoken way that people unconsciously communicate what is really on their minds. The importance of body language in sales lies in the fact that many buyers are either unsure of or reluctant to openly communicate their intentions.
Read MoreAlthough every leader knows the importance of communication - for the success of their organization, their people, and themselves - a surprising number of leaders fail in this vital skill. According to a survey, only 10 percent of frontline leaders are effective at conveying performance expectations and facilitating clear agreement on the next steps.
Read MoreJein is a word creation that expresses in a way, both yes and no. Well, the Germans just don’t have to decide between yes and no as a response. They can also say Jein.
Read MoreNow it is time to take a look at what questions to ask. Here are 75 questions, grouped by their intent or their situational setting in the sales process.
Read MoreMost of us think that we’re great listeners. And because you’re a sales leader, you are probably better than average. A recent study indicates that over 85% of managers identify themselves as above average listeners. While this sounds positive, it is statistically just not possible!
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