A toxic workplace is a workplace that is marked by significant drama and infighting, where personal battles often harm productivity. Toxic workplaces are often considered the result of toxic employers and/or toxic employees who are motivated by personal gain.
Read MoreWhat is micromanagement? To manage especially with excessive control or attention to details. It is one of the most widely condemned managerial sins and one of the most common employee complaints. Simplified, it is the thinking that if I want it done right, I have to do it myself.
Read MoreDiscounting reduces the value in the eyes of your customers. And that is terrible news mid- and long-term. And even worse, it is often meaningless for the short-term. If you are successful in closing a deal by offering a discount, the psychology that is at work when you do has detrimental effects.
Read MoreLeaders are amazing, not having a sales leader has consequences: indecisiveness, disorganization, ethical slips, fragmentation, no vision, negativity, lack of focus and trust, no talent retention, low energy, surrender, and fear.
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