Bryophytes or How To Make an Interim Sales Leader Successful

“There is a mystery in the secret magic
And intricate way of how nature works”

Poem by Gert Strydom


(Link to video)

“Bryophytes have no roots, leaves, or stems. They are flowerless plants that grow in clumps. They don't have roots. Instead, they have thin rootlike growths called rhizoids that help anchor the plant.”

An interim sales leader does not have roots in the company. How can they possibly be successful? 

The team knows that they will not be around for long, so individuals may choose not to work with them. They may also not have sufficient time to get to know each individual, earn their trust and respect, demonstrate their capabilities to help. How can they become a true leader?

In a previous blog, we talked about when - and especially why - an organization should hire an interim sales leader. While there are certainly situations that a permanent hire makes more sense, there are times an interim sales leader is exactly the right choice. 

  • “A prophet is not without honor but in his own country.” An outsider has no roots, and also no baggage. They know nobody, do not need to please anybody in particular, nor do they need to worry about stepping on anybody’s toes. All focus is on doing the right things. 

  • “The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” An outsider brings a fresh perspective, especially when this outsider doesn’t need to think of a career or other benefits, but rather focuses solely on what’s good for the organization. This will produce new ideas, strategies, products, habits, culture, and so much more. 

  •  Get the ophthalmologist, not the family doctor to fix your vision. You are hiring a specialist to do a special diagnosis and prescribe special treatment. Some problems in an organization are urgent and temporary. An interim leader can be on board quickly and bring in the right set of experiences and skillsets. After a transition phase, the family doctor can take it over again. 

  •  Light is bent as it passes through water. When a larger company goes through a merger or re-organizations, or when a startup begins to scale, by nature there are a lot of unknowns and uncertainties. In this situation, it is not only costly but also risky to fill a permanent position. An interim sales leader offers a quick onboarding process, flexibility, little commitment, and relatively low cost. 

Just like the bryophytes, the rootless plants, an interim sales leader overcomes challenges and presents a better solution. A few simple steps help:

  • The assignment starts with the proper introduction of the interim sales leader to the team by the CEO or senior manager in charge of hiring the interim. The reasons for the hiring and the criteria in the selection need to be clearly conveyed.

  • An interim sales leader becomes a full member of the management team of the client company for the duration of the assignment. As an independent expert, they will operate as part of the team, rather than as an employee of an external organization.

  • Interim sales leaders tend to be seemingly over-qualified for the assignment so that they are immediately effective.

Are you interested in making a Bryophyte part of your team? 



NHPBS – Plant Diversity