When you are discounting, you are saying to your customer that you don’t believe enough in what you’re selling that you think you can sell it for the standard price. As soon as you offer a discount, your prospect immediately loses confidence in you and sees that you don’t stand behind what you’re trying, wholeheartedly, to sell to them.
Read MoreHow cool would it be if there were a silver bullet in sales, allowing us to exceed quota every time and make lots of money? If there was one thing we could say or do that magically makes clients buy. It would be cool, but it doesn’t exist.
Read MoreYou might want to change your mindset regarding risk. Rather than perceiving risk as negative, you should view it as a balanced focus on both the downside of taking risks and not taking risks. A limiting mindset versus a liberating mindset.
Read MoreBe upfront with them immediately if you can, but if you need more information to present a fair, accurate estimate, ask for it. Try to have a more thorough conversation to understand your prospect's business operations and the needs that come with them.
Read MoreWhat is required to successfully close the deal is persistence, "a firm or obstinate continuance in the course of action despite the difficulty, opposition, fatigue, or frustration."
Read MoreWhile I am a proponent of consultative selling, I have decided to stay away from praising any one sales method or style, knowing that each one has a time and a place. Instead focus on the traits of a good salesperson. Traits not scientifically researched, rather the observations of a practitioner.
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