Someone who partakes in healthy competition wants to succeed … but also derives joy from seeing others succeed. Someone recently asked me for a recommendation to create healthy competition among their team. I had to immediately think of the various sales competitions that I was a part of.
Read MoreSalespeople have a serious problem. According to a study, only 3% of prospects trust sales reps. It was a blog titled “Trust,” published some time ago, that got me thinking… How many times have I referenced trust as an essential foundation in sales? Without trust, nothing in society would work.
Read MoreWhat if I call them and they say "no"? Should I just call to check in …or will that make me look pushy? Based on what I know, I don't think they may be worth my time... If I send them marketing material, they may get annoyed... Well, it's the 4th of July this week, they probably are too busy...
Read MoreLet's try to be book-smart and street-smart. Knowledge from books expands the horizon and lays a foundation. Learning through one’s own experience, and doing so continuously, and bringing this proactively to the table every time, creates true expertise.
Read MoreThere is no such thing. The many conflicting goals of such a plan, the huge variety of products, services, and businesses, make it impossible to have one plan that is the greatest. Let’s create a good, solid sales compensation plan for your business.
Read MoreNo one is born as a sales leader. You are the sales leader for your organization, though sales is not one of your core competencies. For this scenario, I want to put some tools into your toolbox to allow you to be successful as a leader, which in turn will make your team successful.
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