While I am a proponent of consultative selling, I have decided to stay away from praising any one sales method or style, knowing that each one has a time and a place. Instead focus on the traits of a good salesperson. Traits not scientifically researched, rather the observations of a practitioner.
Read MoreSomeone who partakes in healthy competition wants to succeed … but also derives joy from seeing others succeed. Someone recently asked me for a recommendation to create healthy competition among their team. I had to immediately think of the various sales competitions that I was a part of.
Read MoreSalespeople have a serious problem. According to a study, only 3% of prospects trust sales reps. It was a blog titled “Trust,” published some time ago, that got me thinking… How many times have I referenced trust as an essential foundation in sales? Without trust, nothing in society would work.
Read MoreI like to be deliberate. That means to think or talk something through carefully — it also means weighted and measured, the pace and art of careful decision making. If you chose something deliberately, you make a very conscious, intentional, well-thought-through choice.
Read MoreMicromanagement is “to manage with excessive control or attention to details.” It is one of the most widely condemned managerial sins … and one of the most common employee complaints. It contributes to low morale, high turnover, inefficiency, and lack of continuity.
Read MoreLet's try to be book-smart and street-smart. Knowledge from books expands the horizon and lays a foundation. Learning through one’s own experience, and doing so continuously, and bringing this proactively to the table every time, creates true expertise.
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